Thursday, October 21, 2010


Kelas Asas Lakon

Yeayy !!
Penilaian postpone lagi..haha..
Pn Marlia busy dengan teater kanak-kanak..
So, die x dapat datang kelas.
tapi rindu gak la kat die..hee.
Syafiq pun ade ckp, die rindu pn marlia.
Ye laaa,
kan pn marlia selalu atack die..haha
nak cakap suke boleh la, nak cakap x suke pun boleh jadi..
SUKA sebab ade mase practice and perfectkan lagi..
TAK SUKA sebab kene asyik fikir,takut and gementar lagi..
takut la ape die nak coment nantikan...
and, banyak lagi assignment, show semua kan..
but tak pe, Pn Marlia,
take your time..hee..
My group,
me, Syafiq and Umi sentiase menunggu untuk dinilai..hee..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. Leonardo da Vinci

Paris Hilton !!!

I love this bitch because she's smart,
I respect this bitch because she's a highclass bitch ever...
I love her way, her style, her look...
But im not a bitch of course laaaa !!!!

Get Freshhh !!

hari ni rase macam tak nak maki orang !!hahaha
x la, maybe coz today nak chill chill je..
Musics make me feel better actually.
Agaknya dah layan lagu lagu neyo, rase tenang je..haha...
RnB is my seoul..
me and the loves one, dah settle...
conflict kawan2, biase laa..x kan berakhir pun..
but tu laa, penilaian pn.marlia !!!adoyyyyy...
belasah je laa..
x payah nak tergugat sangat ngan group2 sebelum ni.
kannnnn ?????hee

xoxo <33myra

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last night !!

I penat sayang !!!
U pun penat kan, kerja..
I just told you something but tak tahu, you suddenly change.
I know you x suke.
Bf sape je suke awek die pergi tempat macam tu without him kan???
But at least,i inform you and I let you know...
I cakap baik baik bie...

It's not that i marah you sayang,
but i nak you jangan too harsh laa...
You tau i macam mane.
x kisah dengan sape pun,
If i marah, i akan marah kejap je.then ok la..
just give me a little piece of time to take a very deep breath and
refresh my mind !!
I sayang you bie, no matter how you look like
or whatever people want to say bout my BF..
One more thing, i tak suke you cakap
'you tak kisah after this if i nak pergi mana-mana'
You kene ambik tahu jugak !!
Coz kalau you x kisah,
things become more worst baby...