Thursday, October 21, 2010


Kelas Asas Lakon

Yeayy !!
Penilaian postpone lagi..haha..
Pn Marlia busy dengan teater kanak-kanak..
So, die x dapat datang kelas.
tapi rindu gak la kat die..hee.
Syafiq pun ade ckp, die rindu pn marlia.
Ye laaa,
kan pn marlia selalu atack die..haha
nak cakap suke boleh la, nak cakap x suke pun boleh jadi..
SUKA sebab ade mase practice and perfectkan lagi..
TAK SUKA sebab kene asyik fikir,takut and gementar lagi..
takut la ape die nak coment nantikan...
and, banyak lagi assignment, show semua kan..
but tak pe, Pn Marlia,
take your time..hee..
My group,
me, Syafiq and Umi sentiase menunggu untuk dinilai..hee..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. Leonardo da Vinci

Paris Hilton !!!

I love this bitch because she's smart,
I respect this bitch because she's a highclass bitch ever...
I love her way, her style, her look...
But im not a bitch of course laaaa !!!!

Get Freshhh !!

hari ni rase macam tak nak maki orang !!hahaha
x la, maybe coz today nak chill chill je..
Musics make me feel better actually.
Agaknya dah layan lagu lagu neyo, rase tenang je..haha...
RnB is my seoul..
me and the loves one, dah settle...
conflict kawan2, biase laa..x kan berakhir pun..
but tu laa, penilaian pn.marlia !!!adoyyyyy...
belasah je laa..
x payah nak tergugat sangat ngan group2 sebelum ni.
kannnnn ?????hee

xoxo <33myra

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last night !!

I penat sayang !!!
U pun penat kan, kerja..
I just told you something but tak tahu, you suddenly change.
I know you x suke.
Bf sape je suke awek die pergi tempat macam tu without him kan???
But at least,i inform you and I let you know...
I cakap baik baik bie...

It's not that i marah you sayang,
but i nak you jangan too harsh laa...
You tau i macam mane.
x kisah dengan sape pun,
If i marah, i akan marah kejap je.then ok la..
just give me a little piece of time to take a very deep breath and
refresh my mind !!
I sayang you bie, no matter how you look like
or whatever people want to say bout my BF..
One more thing, i tak suke you cakap
'you tak kisah after this if i nak pergi mana-mana'
You kene ambik tahu jugak !!
Coz kalau you x kisah,
things become more worst baby...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Repeat Presentation..

akhirnya everything da selesai dahh..presentation wayang kulit,lepas jugak...
Thanx pn dot sebab bagi pujian lagi.hee...
ape2 pun,
orang yang paling penting menghasilkan presentation ni pastinya 'yang terbaik'..
Dear Along,
   Thanx sangat sebab kteorg semue tau along sebenarnye tension jugak sebab macam along je buat sorang kan coz mira mengaku la,kadang2 info yang kiteorg bagi,semue x bole pakai..
   Mira nak say sorry if kadang2 mira macam terkasar perli along ke ape.Actually mira xde niat pe pun cume along tau kan mira mmg suke saje ckp2 mcm tu,contohnye mira ckp,'along hebat','along pandai' n macam2 la..
Actually,ape yg mira cakap tu semuenya betul..Mira puji along sebenarnye..Umur kite same,tapi mira kadang2 bengang sebab otak along cerdik sangat !!! hee...Mira sayang along !!
Sorry if macam menyusahkan along sepanjang kite kumpulan bersama.Tapi,kalau ade ape2 along nak kteorg cari maklumat ke ape ke, along bagitau jee...mira sure cari..Mira pun nak berbakti untuk kumpulan jugak..hee..
Harap along tersenyum bace ni.Sebab,mira bukan jiwang n jenis puji org depan2...
Dengan care ini,mira mampu memberi penghargaan kepada along...
Take care along...

Dear Sayang !!

Thanx for the blog..
Sedikit terharu la bace..haha..
U tau kan i mcm mane..
I might not like other girls yg macam tergedik2 ke pe..
I might stubborn siket kan, "kepala keras"haha
but deep to my heart,
i love you always and don't worry of other thigs
-ammar redza-

Sunday, October 17, 2010


i have no words to say right now..
i can't push my self anymore..
i have to follow evrything they said.
bye bye aswara
i dont know whether i should love my parents or not..
i hate the word,
"they just wants the best for me !!!"
bull shiittt

Dedicated to the loves one !!

Baby I love you and i'll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replac

Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I love you, Yes i do.Ill be with you aslong as you want me to,
Until the end of time.
From the day i met you i knew we'd be together.

And now i know i want to be with you forever, i want to marry you and i want to have
your kids.
Thinking can never compare to the feeling of your kisses.

I can say im truely happy till this day.
You make me thank god that i live my life every day.
Theres never been a doubt in my mind that id regret ever having you by my side.
But if the day comes that i have to let you go
I think theres something i should probably let you know,
Enjoyed everday that i spent with you and i will miss you cause im happy that i had
you at all.

Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I feel for you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time

EMINEM- i'm sorry mama

I'm sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant make you cry
But tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet
One More Time

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Skrip Oh Skrip !!

Macam mane nak hafal banyak skrip yang semuanye berlainan watak????

Nak hafal je pun x gune kalau x faham, x de feel, x de imagine kan??

Macam mane nak ade character??

Dan macam mane nak jadi

H E B A T ?????

Hey Mamat !!!!

Aku bengang betul la dgn kau !!
Hilang sabar siallll.....
kau ni nak jadi budak teater,
Tolong la weiiii...
tolong ubah perangai !!!
ini tak kelakar !!!!
ini serius !!!
makin lame makin menjadi.
Aku sayang kau, sebab kau la org yg antare aku paling kenal dulu sebelum masuk aswara lg....
tapi perangai tu !!!

Ammar Redza

I love you bie,
Thanx for being patient evrytime u were with me,
I apreciate it a lot,
Thanx treat me well,
Thanx for spending,
Thanx for everything,
I'll make u happy as can as i could,
But honey,

Please ignore those girls that always bothering you,
Sometimes,it makes my jealousy feeling appear deep to my heart,
But i still can control it..
I couldn't say it to you directly,
I hope,you read this and do not ask me anything bout this,
I just want you to know this and just keep your mouth shut about this and go on our lifes together as usual....

xoxo <33 myra,

Monday, October 11, 2010


semalam aku ade presentation...ape aku nak ckp,mcm F U C K !!!
aku rase nak shoooot je kepala ade sorang ni...
bile aku kene tembak kaw kaw ngn lecturer ni,
bole lak die pun join skali tembak aku..
padahal tiap2 minggu sebelum nak cari bahan pun aku da tanye die dulu..
ape yg die ckp,
smalam aku mcm agk kurang ajr gak..
aku pandang mate die dalam2...
sumpah nak tembak doe kepale die...
satu dewan baiiii....
dgn fakulti muzik lg..
sape x malu...
sial laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I LOVE YOU, mr Barneyyyyy !!!!!
xoxo <33

Baby, belikan i teddy bear BESARR PUNYEEE !!!!

"I don't know what acting is, but I enjoy it. "

Anthony Hopkins


yeahh, seperti biase,bile sebut seremban mesti ingat AMMAR kan..hee.yeah, mira gi jumpe die kat seremban n tido kat sane la..OMG !! seremban tu da x mcm kat malysia da..penuh gile ngan negro n arab is fun, we pergi mkn, shi sha n yeahhh, die bwk mira gi jumpe mummy die n gile sporting..haha..And yeah,baru mase tu i know about kehidupan ammar yg sebenar..ape yg boleh ckp is,"KEPERITAN HIDUP" but thank god evrytin is getting better now n mummy die sngt proud of u mummy..ape yg mira nak pesan if Ammar bace blog i, "bie,u is like the golden of ur family coz i know u pun sedar u sangat penting dlm family, so jage mummy elok2 n make ur mom proud of u like ur mummy always say, 'Ammar ni nakal sangat but die lah anak mummy yg boleh diharapkan'.bie, kekayaan is not that important,kesederhanaan is much much better.don't compare with other people coz mama i selalu ckp if tuhan tu nak bg rezeki, die akan bg free free je syg.." xoxo <33 myra

Thursday, October 7, 2010

College Life

first word,  ADOYYY
banyak gile assignment, presentation...SERABUTT.

To be honest la, aku jenis yang tahu, faham..klu diberikan sesuatu tugasan mesti la comfirm aku buat.aku pun nak markah jugak la..SAYE TAH'U...okay, look..aku mmg suke buat kerje last minit.even exam zaman skola PMR,SPM pun study last minit, but alhamdullilah, boleh dibanggakan..

So,the point yang aku nak ckp is, I KNOW MY WORK. Aku mmg bengang ngan org yg suke bandingkan kerje die ngan kerje aku coz aku mmg tak suke la..Aku lebih suke if kite semue SAME, EQUAL n TEAMWORK...klu mcm hasil kerje seseorang tu EXCELLENT, itu kire extra point untuk die la.but x perlu la diagung agungkan..nak bangge boleh,but tgk time n persekitaran la..If  kerje kau mmg perfect and kau seorang budiman nak tolong aku, FINE, THANX, aku terima.but tolongla jgn presssure aku.Walaupun aku buat kerje last minit, hasilnya tetap same dgn org yg ready awal awal lg..Syaratnya, BACK OFFF, i need a privacy.

Ape aku tulis, SUMPAH DEMI ALLAH aku x tujukan ke sesiapa.Aku x nak ade yg terase.Aku just tulis bende ni sebab ni ape yg terpendam dalam hati. Aku rase lebih lega bile dah menulis..Ini x ditujukan ke sesiapa, tetapi kpd diri aku sendiri..Aku nak happy happy.Aku x nak serabut.So,bile aku dah tulis ni harap sape sape je yang bace, dapat mengenali diriku mcm mane, n tolong la aku ye...AKU SAYANG KORANGG...Perangai tu, BUAT BIASE JEEE..hee..xoxo, <33 myra

WELCOME !!! last, Myra dah ade blog...hehe..FOLLOW LAA...hee..majoriti semua ade blog and suruh myra wat blog jugak sebab suruh jadi follower,myra buat laa..tapi soryla,mcm mls nak updated siket.but if ade mcm cerita gempak gempak tu COMFIRM myra tulis and hebah,ape yang myra nak ckp,jgn la comment and bandingkan blog myra ngan blog korang, coz myra pun baru buat blog kan. bukan lah x pernah buat blog..PERNAH..tapi mls laahhh nak edit font la pe,now myra try la merajinkan diri layan blog..So,yeahh...LET'S GET THIS STARTERT......xoxo,<33 myra